7QT: Volume 1 (Laudatio Si edition)

9:43 AM

Baby G is asleep in her stroller on the porch after a long walk around the neighborhood this morning. 9 am is pretty early for a nap, but she woke up at 6 (a full 1.5 hours ahead of schedule) and was pretty grouchy throughout breakfast, teeth brushing and sliding (our normal morning activities), so we shot for an early nap and so far (fingers crossed) it seems to be working out.

So, taking this opportunity to scarf down some breakfast myself and link up with Kelly at This Ain't the Lyceum for some quick takes!

I dubbed this post "The Laudatio Si edition", but full confession - I have not read more than the first few paragraphs. However, I did watch this video from Bishop-elect (!) Robert Barron. And it's definitely on my list of must-reads. Soon and very soon. But in the meantime, in the spirit of Laudatio Si, we are attempting to simplify our lives - trying to move towards a more sustainable, economical and intentional mode of living. We're both feeling really energized by this challenge. It feels like the direction God is calling our family, for financial, ethical and spiritual reasons. We are trying to be better stewards of the gifts we have been given and de-clutter our lives so that there is more space to recognize the sacred in our vocation.

So, what are we actually doing? First - back to the cloth! Diapers, that is.

When G was born, we started off with cloth diapers (and a diaper laundering service), but switched to disposables once she started eating table food. The whole "just scoop the .... into the toilet" wasn't really working for us. So for the past year we've been buying pack after pack of disposables...and it was starting to get to me (both the cost and the landfill contribution). So we are transitioning back to cloth diapers. This time I'll be washing them myself, and hanging them to dry. It's only been a few days, but so far they've been working out pretty well. G definitely noticed a difference at first (she kept pulling at the diaper cover and complaining "diiiiipe"), but we persevered, and she doesn't seem bothered by them anymore. Plus, I started using these biodegradable diaper liners that allow all solid waste to be neatly disposed of, which takes care of our biggest gripe about cloth diapers last time around.

There are so many options for cloth diapers! G will still be using disposables at day care and with Grandma, so I didn't want to invest in a huge supply. I ordered six cotton prefolds in large from Imagine Baby Products (55% bamboo/45% organic cotton), which work well for the daytime. I also ordered one bamboo/organic cotton terrycloth snapless-multi fitted from Sustainablebabyish, which is absolutely awesome. It is fitted around the legs, which keeps it snug, yet comfortable. The material is super soft and very absorbent, especially with the addition of the 3-layer bamboo/organic cotton fleece doublers it comes with. A great choice for overnight, and if they weren't $24 each I'd definitely be using them exclusively!

Probably my favorite change to our diapering routine has been the switch to cloth wipes. I'd read on some blogs about how great cloth wipes are (easier on the skin, better job of cleaning the diaper area) so I wanted to give them a try. And I'm so glad that I did! I ordered a 12-pack of these flannel wipes. Everything I read was true - the cloth wipes do a much better job of cleaning than flimsy disposable wipes, plus I only have to use one each diaper change. I've also been using a simple wipe solution (2 cups boiled/cooled water + 2 tbsp baby soap + 1 tbsp coconut oil) which seems to moisturize rather than dry out G's skin. She's had a pretty bad diaper rash before I started all this, but it cleared up after only a day or two of using the cloth wipes and homemade solution (possibly coincidence - but at least the rash didn't get worse!)

Lest you think that the whole of our efforts are centered around becoming part-time cloth diaper users, we're also downgrading our cell phones from smart phones to basic (dumb?) phones. This switch will cut our monthly cell phone bill in half. It will also give us the opportunity to live more intentionally. The only feature I'm kind of nervous about giving up is the "Maps" app on my current iPhone. In the days before GPS, I was rather notorious for getting lost while driving, and my reliance on electronic reroutes for the past five+ years has done nothing to improve my sense of direction! I'll probably be dusting off my old windshield-mounted GPS unit...or maybe learning to read a map.

And if I'm being honest...I'm also really going to miss being able to read blogs/research things like cloth diapers while rocking Miss G to sleep...

We're also composting - finally! We started off with a small bucket to collect food scraps, but this filled up rather quickly. After realizing that the multitude of tupperware in the fridge was filled not with leftovers but to-be-composted vegetable peels, K went out and got us a larger bucket, which takes much longer to fill. Our current system is: use the small bucket to collect food scraps during meal prep, then transfer to the large bucket, which will be kept on the porch. Once full, take the large bucket to our community garden plot and bury its contents. Repeat! I'm happy that we're reusing some of our food scraps in this way, and am hopeful that we'll see some benefits in terms of soil health.

And finally (because I hear some stirrings from the porch...), we are moving to a one-car family! This change was brought on somewhat by necessity, since the older of our two cars finally reached the point of being unsafe to drive. So for the time being, we are making it work with just the one car. K will be biking to work for now, though we'll see what happens in the winter!

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  1. Nice job making "Laudatio Si" come alive at home! I've been trying to think of ways to live Pope Francis' exhortation better at home too. I thought about downgrading my cell (my husband already has gone back to the "dumb phone") but I like Instagram SO much. It would hurt. If there was only a way to do it on a computer....

    1. My husband was definitely the one pushing us away from the smart phones! I held out for a long while due to my love of blogs and not getting lost...but now that we're taking the plunge I'm kind of excited. We'll see how I feel in a few days! I never really got into Instagram, but I was just thinking about that today, wondering "what if I decided I DID want to take all sorts of pictures and post them to Instagram??" I remembered this post (http://www.catholicallyear.com/2014/09/how-to-use-instagram-without-iphone-and.html) from Kendra at Catholic All Year about how to use Instagram without an iPhone. Sounds kind of complicated, involving uploading pictures from a camera and emailing them to yourself and posting from an iPad, or using a somewhat pricey WiFi memory card...but I guess it can be done!


The Long View

We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it very well. It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord's grace to enter and do the rest. We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker. We are workers, not master builders; ministers, not messiahs. We are prophets of a future not our own.

~Archbishop Oscar Romero

The Credo Project

Prayer for Generosity

Lord, teach me to be generous
Teach me to serve you as you deserve
To give and not to count the cost
To fight and not to heed the wounds
To toil and not to seek for rest
To labor and not to ask for reward
Save that of knowing that I am doing your will

~St. Igantius of Loyola